Skyway Studios

Video Production

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Skyway offers multiple video production environments to capture a wide variety of performances. Previous LED configuration

Video Production

Skyway Studios serves as the premier destination for all video production needs for a reason: it gets the job done right. Boasting four, full production studios (3,300+ sq. ft. each), along with 3 insert studios – including Studio ‘D’ with its LED Stage – Skyway Studios features a new, state of the art 4K/HD capable control room (including multi-tiered seating with adjoining rooms for audio and shading, all with Herman Miller seating), make up, dressing and green rooms, along with full technical support and infrastructure. Our entire facility includes high volume, low noise air conditioning, ceiling and electrical grids for maximum flexibility and a robust high speed fiber network, Viivx and The Switch technology.

Video Production Capabilities

Our technical expertise, professional flexibility and wide range of available studio options make us the ideal partner to realize your creative vision. Do you need a small or large “green screen,” an LED Stage with single or multiple talent, or just an intimate podcast or “Vlog” setting. Skyway has those capabilities, and the expertise and facilities to handle those options should your project require them.

Once you have matched your project to its ideal Skyway studio, the next step in producing your successful video is to understand your top cost drivers before production even starts. At Skyway, we pride ourselves in keeping our prices competitive and transparent, allowing you to make informed studio decisions based upon your budget. That said, we will work with you as creatively as possible to help ensure your vision has access to the cutting-edge technology it requires.

Start with a thorough plan for your video production. Remember lead time could be your most valuable asset, allowing you flexibility to troubleshoot issues that almost always arise. A good rule of thumb is that the more people you have involved in your project, the longer you will want that lead time to be. From our experience, video productions that book one of our studios 1 to 2 months in advance tend to have the fewest glitches and the most success. Remember, the production of the video itself is just the tip of the iceberg. The mass of the work that your viewers will never see happens below the waterline: the creation of the concept; the concept’s approval; the critical logistics to bring it all together. No production ever unfolds exactly as planned, but planning for scenarios in advance and having fallback plans just in case will save you time, money and aggravation.

From music videos to live streaming events to album releases, Skyway can make your video productions a reality. Previous LED configuration

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